What our Customers say...

Water Damage Testimonials

SERVPRO of South Orange County came to my rescue when my house endured water damage. The team was so helpful and professional. Thank you all.

The whole crew has been great from start to finish. Very professional.

Julie was FANTASTIC! Always available by phone or text to coordinate during repairs. This is probably the most important and stress free aspect of the process, which can often be stressful and frustrating when line of communications aren't open and available. Thank you Julie!

Fantastic Service!!

Robert was a fantastic partner in working through our situation. Knew his stuff, patient, hard-working, conscious about the thoroughness of the solution. Give that man a High Five!

Very professional & courteous! Thank You!

......did a great job in bathroom remediation!

Courtesy & prompt, friendly & would highly recommend service.

We are very happy and pleased with all the service and personal attention that we received.

SERVPRO of South Orange County team arrived at my 5,000 sf-flooded business at the wee hours of the morning. They were very professional and assured me everything would be okay. My business was up and running in no time. Thank you guys!